
AppleiPhone4s(apple-iphone4s)·Contributors·Maintainer(s)·Usersowningthisdevice·Installation·Seealso.,TheiPhone4S,alternativelystylizedasiPhone4S,isatouchscreenslatesmartphonedesignedandmarketedbyAppleInc.ItisthefifthgenerationiPhone, ...,TheiPhone4S(laterstylisedasiPhone4s)wasintroducedbyTimCookatApple's'Let'stalkiPhone'eventon4October2011(2011-10-04).,iPhone4s是蘋果公司研發的一款智慧型手機,...

Apple iPhone 4s (apple-iphone4s)

Apple iPhone 4s (apple-iphone4s) · Contributors · Maintainer(s) · Users owning this device · Installation · See also.

iPhone 4S - Apple Wiki

The iPhone 4S, alternatively stylized as iPhone 4S, is a touchscreen slate smartphone designed and marketed by Apple Inc. It is the fifth generation iPhone, ...

iPhone 4S

The iPhone 4S (later stylised as iPhone 4s) was introduced by Tim Cook at Apple's 'Let's talk iPhone' event on 4 October 2011 (2011-10-04).

IPhone 4S

iPhone 4s是蘋果公司研發的一款智慧型手機,是iPhone系列的第五代後續機款。

iPhone 4S

iPhone 4S係一款由蘋果公司設計、研發同賣緊嘅第五代(中文:iOS和iPadOS裝置列表#iPhone)iPhone系列智能電話嘅後續機型,喺2011年10月14號開始賣。

iPhone 4S

iPhone 4S 編輯 ... iPhone 4s是蘋果公司研發的一款智慧型手機,是iPhone系列的第五代後續機款。 ... 此產品於「Let's talk iPhone」的發佈會發佈,2011年10月14日 ...

IPhone 4S | Ipod Wiki

The IPhone 4S was released on October 14, 2011. It was released for AT&T, Verizon Wireless, and Sprint. It has the same appearance as the iPhone 4.

iPhone 4S_百度百科

iPhone 4S是苹果公司(Apple)于(北京时间)在美国加利福尼亚州库比提诺总部发布的电子产品。iPhone 4S高度:115.2毫米(4.5英寸);宽度:58.6毫米(2.31英寸); ...

苹果iPhone4S 8GB_百度百科

iPhone 4S是苹果公司推出的一款触摸屏智能手机,取代iPhone 4成为iPhone的第五代产品,运行新一代的iOS 5系统。 iPhone 4S其最大的亮点在于全新siri智能语音助手和iCloud ...